
Simple Future Tense

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hello , Selamat pagiii~ :-D
Apa kabarnya nih guys? Hihiii ^.^/
Guys,`Orang yang bersyukur akan ceria pagi ini, orang yang tidak bersyukur akan mengeluh pagi ini.` kalau kamu yang mana?? ~~'
Well guys, dari pada ngemeng panjang kali lebar yuk kita lanjutin materinya yah. 
Materinya--> Simple Future Tense (Waktu akan datang sederhana).

Eh guys sebelumnya kita udah bahas ya tentang tenses? apa aja yah? *hening* -____- ada 3 loh masa lupa? Well, kayaknya pada lupa yah, tenang deh saya akan jelasin lagi ;-D 
Tenses yaitu:
-       Past Tense
-       Present Tense
-       Future Tense
Nah sebelum ngelanjutin ini materi coba di check dulu tiap-tiap tenses tadi yah ^-^'
Udah?? :-D gimana? beda kan? 
WELL, kalau past tense itu ngebahas tentang waktu lampau, terus present tense itu ngebahas waktu sekarang nah, yang selanjutnya future tense itu waktu yang akan datang.
Eits, tapi di sini nih guys kita bahasnya tentang simple future tense guys, yuk simak lagi.

Simple Future Tense
Simple Future Tense is used to describing job or action that will to do (happened) at future.
The pattern:
(+)       Subject + shall/will + verb base + complement
(-)        Subject + shall/will + not + verb base + complement
(?)       Shall/will + Subject + verb base ?

The Example:
(+)       I shall go to Surabaya tomorrow.
(-)        I shall not go to Surabaya tomorrow.
(?)       Shall I go to Surabaya tomorrow?

(+)       We shall learn English next week.
 (-)       We shall not learn English next week.
(?)       Shall we learn English next week?

(+)       Rijal will speak English well soon.
(-)        Rijal will not speak English well soon.
(?)       Will Rijal speak English well soon?

The Pattern:
(+)       Subject + to be + going to + verb base + complement.
(-)        Subject + to be + not + going to + verb base + complement.
(?)       To be + Subject + going to + verb base + complement?

The example:
(+)       The train is going to arrive the station.
(-)        The train is not going to arrive the station.
(?)       Is The train going to arrive the station.

The functions of simple future tense;
~Used to describe an action or event that will be done in the future.
  The example:
- I shall visit my friend tomorrow
- She will come there tomorrow morning.
~Used to indicate conditions.
  The example:
- I shall give him money if he come to meet me. 
- He will help me if I teach him English
~Used to ask someone to do something.
  The example:
- Will you please open the door.
- Will you give to know where is the near hotel.
~Used to describe an event that will happen soon.
  The example:
- The match is going to begin and the player walk to the field
- The train is going to arrive the station.
Signal Time: 
- Tomorrow (ex: Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night);
- Next (ex: Time/Week/Month/Year/January);
- Tonight;
- The day after tomorrow;
- Two, three more days;
- Two, three days later;
- Before;
- After;
- When;
- A soon as;
- Soon;
- Until;
- Till;
- If ;
- Later ;
- By and by.

akhirnyaaaaa..... SELESAI ! *HOREEEE~ Gimana guys? ada yang bingung sama penjelasan saya?? kurang jelas?? atau tidak mengerti?? iyaaa?? atau sebaliknya, hmmm... saya rasa tinggalin komentar deh di bawah ini. Karena komentar anda baik ataupun buruk itu akan saya terima dengan lapangan sepak bolaaa.. ehh salah lapang dada maksudnya -___- '
O.K. Saya rasa cukup deh sampai disini ya guys. SEKIAN DAN TERIMAKASIH. \(^.^)/


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