
Present Tense

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Present tense is grammatical tense that locates a situation or event in present time. (taken from Wikipedia)
Present tense is a verb tese that expresses actions or states at the time of speaking. (taken from dictionary)

1.      The simple present tense.
Simple present tense is used to express a fact which is always true, or things we do often.

            Dalam kalimat dapat ditemukan dua macam bentuk kalimat yaitu:
a.       Kalimat nominal (verb: to be) atau predikat buakan kata kerja
       The pattern:
                (+) Subject + to be (am, are, is) + …
                (-) Subject + to be (am, are, is) + not + …
                (?)  To be (am, are, is) + subject + … ?
         The example:
                (+) I am student.
                (-) I am not student.
                (?) Am I student ?

                (+) You are diligent student.
                (-) You are not diligent student.
                (?) Are you diligent student ?

                (+) She is very happy.
                (-) She is not very happy.
                (?) Is she very happy ?

b.       Kalimat verbal (predikat kata kerja)

                  The pattern:
                (+) Subject + verb 1 (s/es)
                (-) Subject + do/does + not + verb 1
                (?) Do/does+ verb 1 ?

        The example:
                (+) They study English every week.
                (-) They do not study English every week.
                (?) Do they study English every week ?

                (+) Rieska and Siti read a magazine.
                (-) Rieska and Siti do not read a magazine.
                (?) Do Rieska and Siti read a magazine ?

                (+) Radit goes to school
                (-) Radit does not go to school
                (?) Does Radit go to school?

            We use the simple present tense:
1)      To show a regular or habitual action.
-        I always eat three times a day.
-        I go to school at 6 o’clock.
-        Siti usually studies in the library.
2)      To express a general truth.
-        Indonesia has two seasons.
-        The sun rises from the east.
-        The world is round.

Adverbs used:
-        Always
-        Generally
-        Normally
-        Usually
-        Often
-        Every day
-        Every week
-        Every month
-        Every Monday
-        In the morning
-        On Friday
-        At night
-        Never
-        Sometime
-        Seldom
-        Now day
-        Etc..

            Note Carefully:
-        He, she or it are called ‘third person singular’. Tke the ‘s’ from ‘singular’ and put it on the end of the verb. For examples: She lives in Singapore.
-        Sometimes, you have to make changes to the spelling. Compare: go=goes, don’t=doesn’t.

2.      The Present Continuos tense.
 The present Continuos tense is used to express things are happening now. Things that are continuing.

The pattern:
(+) Subject + to be (is, am,are) + verb 1 + ing
(-) Subject + to be (is, am,are) + not + verb 1 + ing
(?) To be (is, am,are) + subject + verb 1 + ing ?

The example:
(+) I am waiting for you now.
(-) Iam not waiting for you now.
(?) Am I waiting for you now ?

(+) They are waiting for their friends.
(-) They are not waiting fortheir friends.
(?) Are they waiting for their friends ?

(+) Eko is playing football now.
(-) Eko is playing football now.
(?) Is Eko playing football now ?

      We use the present continuos tense to show an action that is going on or is still continuing.

            Adverbs used
-        Now
-        Right now
-        Today
-        Soon
-        At present
-        This morning
-        This afternoon
-        Tonight
-        Tomorrow
-        In a few days

-        We form the present continuos tense with the verb be and ing.
I                      Þ  am working.
He/She/It        Þ  is watching.
We/You/They Þ are learning.
-        Basic spelling rules:
a.       Vebs ending with e
§ Drive    Þ        Driving
§ Make    Þ        Making
§ Write    Þ        Writing
§ Dance   Þ        Dancing

b.      Verbs ending with i
§ Travel   Þ        Travelling
§ Cancel  Þ        Cancelling

c.       Verbs ending with ie
§ Die        Þ        Dying
§ Lie        Þ        Lying
§ Tie        Þ        Tying

d.      Verbs of one syllable ending with a consonant
§ Get       Þ        Getting
§ Run       Þ        Running
§ Swim    Þ        Swimming
                    § Sit        Þ        Sitting


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