

Monday, February 13, 2012

Advertisement is an information for persuading and motivating people so that they will attract to the service and the things that are offered or informed.

-   Function of advertisement:
- Promotion
- Communication 
- Information

-    In making advertisement, keep the following points :
1.      Language of advertisement :
v  Using the correct or suitable words
v  Using the interesting and suggestive expressions
v  Text of advertisement should be directed to the goals
2.      Content of advertisement :
v  Objective and honest
v  Brief and clear
v  Not allude group or other producer.
-    Kinds of advertisement :
1.Family advertisement
2.Invitation advertisement
3.Sponsored advertisement
4.Requested advertisement
5.News advertisement
6.Announcement advertisement
7.Goods advertisement
8.Merit advertisement
-    Media  of advertisement
v   By television
v   By radio
v   Billboard
v   Leaflet
v   Pamflet etc.


Anonymous said...

thanks Siti..
your posting is very helpful... ^_^

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