
Vocabulary Around The House

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hello guys ^o^/
Siapkan mata anda ya guys, terus ketelitian sangat diperlukan hehee :-D soalnya hari ini mau bahas tentang vocabulary around the house. Yuk simak...

Vocabulary Around The House

A house is a building where you might live alone or it could be a multifamily house that you share with other families. If you live in an apartment building, that's "home," but it's not a house.

Primary meaning of house
As nouns:
-   a dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families;
-   the members of a business organization that owns or operates one or more establishments;
-   a building in which something is sheltered or located;
-   (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided;
-   aristocratic family line;
-   an official assembly having legislative powers;

As verbs:
-    provide housing for;
-    contain or cover;

Other rooms
People store things in the attic.
A room in stately homes where rich people dance and concerts are held.
Box Room
A small room used for storage.
Underneath the house.
A small room where people put their coats.
A greenhouse attached to a house for the display of plants.
Dining Room
A room where people eat.
Drawing Room
A room in stately homes where rich people entertain.
Games Room
A room in large houses where games are played.
The entrance passage to a house.
A small room used for the storage of food.
A room where books are kept.
Another name for living room.
Music Room
A room where people play music.
A room where people work.
A small room used to store kitchen and dining items.
Old fashioned word for living room.
Sitting Room
Another name for living room.
Spare Room/
Guest Room
A room where guests sleep.
A room where people go to the toilet (often known as WC)
Utility Room
A room where
Things in the Garden
- window = jendela
- path = jalan kecil
- flowers = bunga
- flowerbed = petak bunga
- fence = pagar
- roof = atap
- bench = bangku
- bird box = kotak burung
- lawn = rumput
- shrub = semak
- pegs = pasak
- washing line =cuci baris
- hanging basket = keranjang
- wheelbarrow = gerobak
Things in a Living Room
- arm chair = kursi lengan
- bookcase = rak buku
- chairs = kursi
- coffee table = meja kopi
- fan = kipas
- foot rest = istirahat kaki
- heater = pemanas
- lounge, sofa, couch = ruang duduk, sofa, sofa
- magazine rack = rak koran
- recliner = kursi malas
- sound system = sistem suara
- table = meja
- telephone, phone = telepon, telepon
- television stand = antena
- television, TV = televisi, TV

Things in a Kitchen
- bench = bangku
- cupboard = lemari
- dishwasher = mesin cuci piring
- microwave = microwave
- oven, cooker = oven, kompor
- pantry = pantry
- refrigerator, fridge = lemari es, lemari es
- sink = cuci tangan
- stove, cook top = kompor, masak atas
- taps = kran, PDAM
Things in a Bedroom
- alarm = jam
- bed = kasur
- bedside table = meja tidur
- clock = jam
- drawers = laci
- dressing table = meja rias
- lamp = lampu
- wardrobe, closet = lemari pakaian, lemari
Rooms in a House
- balcony = balkon
- bathroom = kamar mandi
- bedroom = kamar tidur
- dining room = ruang makan
- garage = garasi
- hall = ruang
- kitchen = dapur
- laundry = cucian
- living room = ruang tamu

Things in a Bathroom
- basin, sink = baskom, cuci tangan
- bath = bak
- mirror = cermin
- shower = pancuran
- taps = kran/PDAM
- toilet = toilet, wc, kamar mandi, kamar kecil
- towel rack =  rak handuk

Things in a Dining Room
- chairs = kursi
- dining table = meja makan

Things in a Worktable
- chair = kursi
- computer = komputer
- desk = meja tulis
- filing cabinet = lemari arsip
- shelf = rak

Things in a Laundry
- clothes maiden, drying rack = pakaian, rak pengeringan
- dryer = pengering
- iron = setrika
- ironing board = papan setrika
- laundry basket = keranjang cucian
- pegs = jepitan/ pasak
- sink = cuci tangan
- washing machine = mesin cuci
- washing powder  = bubuk cuci

- armchair = kursi
- bed = kasur
- bookcase = rak buku
- cabinet = kabinet
- chair = kursi
- coffee table = meja kopi
- cupboard = lemari
- desk = meja tulis
- dining table = meja makan
- drawers = laci
- dressing table = meja rias
- foot stool, foot rest = kaki kursi, sandaran kaki
- lamp = lampu
- lounge, sofa, couch = ruang duduk, sofa, sofa
- office chair = kursi kerja
- sideboard, buffet = bufet, bufet
- TV stand = antena
- wardrobe = lemari pakaian

Bills and Utilities
- council charges = biaya
- electricity = listrik
- gas = gas
- insurance = asuransi
- rent = menyewa
- telephone = telepon
- water = air

Wah banyak bener ternyata yah benda dirumah -___-' *krik..krikk..kriikk*
eh eh mukanya pada pucat? Pada bingung yah? Yaudah yuk jangan bingung gitu. Ini nih ada gambarnya guys,biar nggak bingung sama benda-bendanya huehee :-D

akhirnyaaaaa..... SELESAI ! *HOREEEE~ Gimana guys? ada yang bingung sama penjelasan saya?? kurang jelas?? atau tidak mengerti?? iyaaa?? atau sebaliknya, hmmm... saya rasa tinggalin komentar deh di bawah ini. Karena komentar anda baik ataupun buruk itu akan saya terima dengan lapangan sepak bolaaa.. ehh salah lapang dada maksudnya -___- '
O.K. Saya rasa cukup deh sampai disini ya guys. SEKIAN DAN TERIMAKASIH. \(^.^)/


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