
Modal in Past Form

Sunday, April 15, 2012

#nyanyiii '.....Ku bukan manusia yang tidak berfikir....Berulang kali kau lakukan itu padaku....Jika cinta dia jujurlah padaku...Tinggalkan aku di sini tanpa senyumanmu....Jika cinta dia ku coba mengerti~~Teramat sering kau membuat patah hatiku..Kau datang padanya tak pernah kutahu..Kau tinggalkan aku disaat ku butuhkanmu....Cinta tak begini selama ku tahu......#@$%^&*()_+!~":?><`-=;',./'  *hahlupaliriksaya....... apalagi kelanjutannya???  lanjutin sendiri aja lirik lagu yang tadi guys, hehe :-D ehh Jika ada dari kalian yang bertanya saya GALAU??? Tidak guys, saya tidak GALAU.huheheheee *senyumiblis>:-) Sudah..sudah...lupain dulu yang tadii...saya sapaa kalian dulu nih...
Hello guys ^_^/ How are you?? :-D
Hari ini saya posting tentang MODAL IN PAST FORM loh. *wawgituuu
apaaan tuh modal in Past Form? baru denger, gimana sih modal in past form itu?? 
kayaknya penasaran nih...HAHAHAA >:-D 
yuk deh buruan kita bahas Modal in Past Form.

Modal in Past Form

Modals in the past form dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah kata bantu pengandaian dalam bentuk lampau.

When do we use modals?
  • To talk about someone's ability (or inability) to do something.
-       "We can find your house without the street plan."
-       "She can't have a daughter that old!"
  • To talk about an action that is necessary (or impossible, or not necessary)
-       "You must always have your driver's license when you are driving your car."
-       "You needn't carry your passport around with you."
  • To talk about a situation that is possible (or impossible)
-        "Do be careful with that glass, the baby might knock it over" 

Modals in the past are :
1.  Could
Could is used to express possibility or past ability as well as to make suggestions and request.
Pattern: Could + Verb base
-       You could see a movie or go out with me.
-       Could I use your computer to email my friend?
2.  Might
Might is most commonly used to express possibility
Pattern: Might + Verb base
Example :
-       You might visit the botanical gardens during your visit.
-       Might I borrow your pen?
3.   Would
Would is commonly used to create conditional verbs forms. It also servers as the past form of the modal verb `will`. Additionally, `would` can indicate repetition in the past.
Pattern 1 : Would + verb base
Use would for an action that was repeated regularly in the past.
Example :
-       I knew that she would be very successful in her presentation.
-       If he were an actor, he would be in adventure movies.
Pattern 2 : Would + Mind + V-ing
Use would to express polite request.
Example :
-       You would mind speaking with him.
-       Would she mind asking the material?
4.   Should
Should is used to give definite advice or to make recommendations.
Pattern: Should + Verb base
Example :
-       You should focus on your work.
-       I really should be in the school by 6:00 a.m
-       You look tired. I think you should take a few days off.

akhirnyaaaaa..... SELESAI ! *HOREEEE~ Gimana guys? ada yang bingung sama penjelasan saya?? kurang jelas?? atau tidak mengerti?? iyaaa?? atau sebaliknya, hmmm... saya rasa tinggalin komentar deh di bawah ini. Karena komentar anda baik ataupun buruk itu akan saya terima dengan lapangan sepak bolaaa.. ehh salah lapang dada maksudnya -___- '
O.K. Saya rasa cukup deh sampai disini ya guys. SEKIAN DAN TERIMAKASIH. \(^.^)/


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