
Finite Verbs

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hello guys, yuk kita lanjutin materi kita, apaan lagi ya?
jjreeng...jrreennggg..jreeeeeengg....jreeengg... yaitu adalah Finite verbs.()
apaan yah finite verbs? (¬_¬) ada yang sudah belajar tentang materi ini nggak? (▂⊙) ada yang tahu nggak? (_) atau belum tahu? atau juga kurang tahu? ✖‿✖ atau nggak mau tahu? (^)===== (>_<)... *PLAAAK waaaah kalau saya sendirinya sudahnya belajar sih, okeh inih saya bahas sesuai yang saya tahu, yaudah kita bahas yuk, ( )
Finite Verbs

Finite verb is a verb that is inflected for person and for tense according to the rules and categories of the languages in which it occurs.
Finite verb can form “Independent clause” which can stand by their own as complete sentences. An independent clause as a complete sentence. It contains the main subject and verb of a sentences.

A finite verb is:
-         also called a main verb;
-         a verb that has a subject;
-         a verb that shows tense(past/present, etc), person, and number(singular / plural);
-         can be the main verb in a sentence;
For example: 
I live in Germany. (I is the subject - live describes what the subject does - live is a finite verb).

In English, only verbs in certain mood are finite. These include :
1.   Indicative mood : expressing a state of affairs.
In indicative mood, finite verbs must use verbs.
Example :
-      Apri is going to visit her mother in hospital.
-      He has waited his father since morning.
-      The bulldozer demolished the restaurant.
2.   Imperative mood : giving a command.
Dalam imperative mood, finite verbs tidak memerlukan subjek karena tanpa memakai subjek pun kalimatnya sudah jelas.
Example :
-      Positive command : “Help me, please!”
-      Negative verb : “Don’t do that!”
3.   Subjunctive mood : expressing something that might or might not be the state of affairs, depending on some other part of the sentence.
-      If the coffee was hot, I would drink it.
Example of finite verbs:
-      I go to the store.
-      She goes to the store.
-      They went to the store.
-      You play football.
-      I read a book.
-      She walks home.
-      He drinks beer.
-      They watch the game.
-      I ride a bike.
-      She brushes her hair.
-      I live in Palangkaraya city.

Non-Finite Verbs
A non-finite verb is:
-      A verb that has no subject, tense or number;
-      A verb that has forms are the infinitive (indicated by to), -ing or -ed forms (also known as the gerund or the participle).

For example:
I traveled to Germany to improve my German. (To improve is in the infinitive form).

Example of non-finite verbs:
-      They are fond of eating mangoes.
-      She is going to the store.
-      I am playing football.
-      You are reading a book.
-      The girl is walking home.
-      They are drinking beer.
-      The children is studying English.
-      It took courage to continue after the accident.
-      Leaving home can be very traumatic.
-      Leave immediately when you are asked to do so.
-      We found him smoking behind the shed.
-      Swan was watching TV when the phone rang.
akhirnyaaaaa..... SELESAI ! *HOREEEE~ Gimana guys? ada yang bingung sama penjelasan saya?? kurang jelas?? atau tidak mengerti?? iyaaa?? atau sebaliknya, hmmm... saya rasa tinggalin komentar deh di bawah ini. Karena komentar anda baik ataupun buruk itu akan saya terima dengan lapangan sepak bolaaa.. ehh salah lapang dada maksudnya -___- '
O.K. Saya rasa cukup deh sampai disini ya guys. SEKIAN DAN TERIMAKASIH. \(^.^)/


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